RedHat Liberation Fonts

Today I discovered that RedHat released a set of fonts under GPL which are approximately metrically equivalent to the most used Microsoft fonts.

Arial ~ Liberation Sans
Times New Roman ~ Liberation Serif
Courier New ~ Liberation Mono

The Liberation fonts are not yet complete (no full hinting, yet), still they look quite good already, in my opinion. The fonts will be complete at the end of this year.

Read more here: RedHat’s announcement

Download the package containing the three truetype fonts here: Download

Thanks to RedHat! 🙂

There is still one thing though: We should have a free font like “Arial Unicode MS”, containing all the characters you can think of… right now I still have to use Arial Unicode MS as fallback substitution, because there are only very few chinese characters in the Liberation fonts.

UPDATE (2007-06-13):
A small sample of the Liberation Sans font, rendered by Qt / KDE with anti-aliasing and full sub-pixel hinting (RGB), hinting style: full:

Sample of the Liberation Sans font

New SSL certificates

Today I got two mails from StartSSL that my certificates (valid for one year) are about to expire. So I went through the process of obtaining new ones, and just now I finished installing them (one on my webserver for and one on my mailserver ( I think it took me half a week to figure everything out the first time (one year ago), but this time it went quite smoothly, within an hour or so.

Thanks to StartCom for that service! 🙂