My instant messaging communications platform

I’m using this setup for quite a while now. It’s great in many ways – here some of the reasons:

  • I can access it from multiple hosts at once
  • I can use one unified user interface for all instant messenger protocols and IRC
  • I can access the platform even through my mobile phone via GPRS / WLAN
  • I have logs of all communications in one central place

This is how a few free software components work together to make it possible:

Overview (OpenDocument format)

Or as PNG file (rendered with GIMP):
Overview (PNG)

New SSL certificates

Today I got two mails from StartSSL that my certificates (valid for one year) are about to expire. So I went through the process of obtaining new ones, and just now I finished installing them (one on my webserver for and one on my mailserver ( I think it took me half a week to figure everything out the first time (one year ago), but this time it went quite smoothly, within an hour or so.

Thanks to StartCom for that service! 🙂