Dell Inspiron Mini 9 battery consumption test

Last night I ran a quick test on how long my new Dell Inspiron Mini 9‘s battery would last under “normal netbook workload”.


  • OS: Gentoo Linux (what else? 😉 )
  • Running programs: KDE 4, Konqueror, Thunderbird (fetching mail via IMAPS every 5 minutes)
  • Conditions:
    • Wireless connection to Internet, shell script kills and reloads Konqueror with three websites every two minutes (emulating a user who browses the WWW).
    • Display set to lowest brightness level, screensaver / standby / etc. deactivated so that it was switched on all the time

Data capturing:

The ‘remaining capacity’ value from /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state and a timestamp were written to a file every minute:

echo "Battery log, started $(date)" >$LOG
while ((1))
  TIME=$(date "+%s")
  REMAINING=$(grep "remaining capacity" /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state | cut -b 26- | cut -d' ' -f1)
  echo "$TIME $REMAINING" >> $LOG
  sleep 60


The battery lasted a little longer than 4 hours and 50 minutes which means approx. 6.7 watts average power consumption while browsing the web over WLAN.
This time I decided to use OpenOffice Calc to create the graph – here is a screenshot of it:

(And here is the spreadsheet, if you’re interested: Dell Mini battery consumption log (Spreadsheet))

Mysterious Thunderbird crashes – finally solved

GPGee (website down during time of writing) causes Thunderbird to crash on opening mails containing http:// links after having opened a mail containing a file:// link before. This sentence alone should make it clear to everyone how much trouble this issue caused me, and how hard it was to track down… Well – at least I learned a thing or two about debugging (Mozilla applications) on Windows.

See my bug report in Mozilla’s bug tracker if you want to read the whole story. You can even watch a screen video of the crash there 😉

Firefox “Download Day”

They asked for it – they got it… a nice DDoS 😉 ( and were unreachable for a couple of minutes after 17:00 UTC).

Anyway… go ahead and download it, it’s a good piece of software. I tried out beta3 and the RCs, and I like the new version so much, that I’m now using Firefox as my default browser again (after more than two years with Konqueror as my default browser).

Download Day 2008

Nice birthday present by the way, Mozilla! Thanks! 🙂